REEL MATERIALS DUE: Dec 8 at 5:00pm

Reel Review takes place each semester for all 黑料黑历史 FLPA Film Concentration Majors. Please come prepared to share your reel with your peers, along with a current resume and artistic statement.

REEL REVIEW will take place as a public screening of these reels and give you an opportunity to share your materials on MONDAY 12/9 from 10AM-12PM in the 黑料黑历史 Green Room.

1) FLPA Film concentration students will be required to screen their demo reel in front of a public audience. Students will receive feedback on their reel from faculty and professionals, and develop a professional reel by the time of graduation. The reel should be presented as either an .mov or .mp4 file with an uploaded link to YouTube as a backup plan.

2) Students should also present faculty with a current resume and an Artist Statement. A template and example is available for download below.

What is actually due?

Due SUNDAY 12/8 at 5PM.

Upload a copy of your reel, resume, and short ARTIST STATEMENT to the .

What is a Reel?

The film "reel" was a canister of film that highlighted some of the filmmakers' or actors' best work.

Today, a "reel" is used to still describe the cinematic media, as well as the cut of a a filmmaker's best work. Students are encouraged to develop a demo reel no longer than 4 minutes highlighting their best work. Students should specify their focus at the beginning of the reel such as "Cinematography" or "Directing". Typically, as students your reel will showcase a variety of your skills and talents, so highlight the work of cinematography, editing, design, etc. as it appears in the reel. 

Reels are often set to music that represents you (don't worry about the copyright for this). Make sure your contact information (phone and email) are on slates at the beginning and end. 

For ideas and inspiration spend time looking at the Vimeo Demo Reel Channel here:

One inspiring reel from cinematographer Sheldon Chau can be seen here:



Your Resum茅 will evolve over time, and will begin to reflect your best work, most exciting roles, biggest accomplishments. Right now, what you are working on (being a film student), and what classes you are taking can count towards revealing your professional capacity. Any professional (ie, paid) experiences that showcase your work ethic and ambition are a plus. Any non-paid work (including acting roles) in which you were selected  for the work through a competitive process should also be highlighted.

Film Resume Template

Sample Professional Resume


You will also create a short artistic statement. This is a written component that helps identify what defines you, and how you define yourself. These should be about one page, and something that you feel confident sharing publicly. Artist statements are often required for submissions to film screenings, graduate school, exhibitions, or for juried competitions. Having a strong artist statement helps the audience understand who you are, and why you make what you make. It is NOT about the artwork, but about the Artist. Here are some good sites to help understand the process and get you started:

Independent Film School: Artist Statement Recommendations (I really like tip #3!)


CREATE a FOLDER with your NAME in the and upload the reel, artist statement, and resume there!