Welcome to Philosophy at ºÚÁϺÚÀúÊ·
Philosophy is the systematic study of ideas and issues, a reasoned pursuit of fundamental truths, a quest for a comprehensive understanding of the world, a study of principles of conduct, and much more. Every domain of human experience raises questions to which its techniques and theories apply, and its methods may be used in the study of any subject or the pursuit of any vocation. Indeed, philosophy is in a sense inescapable: life confronts every thoughtful person with some philosophical questions, and nearly everyone is guided by philosophical assumptions, even if unconsciously. One need not be unprepared. To a large extent one can choose how reflective one will be in clarifying and developing one's philosophical assumptions, and how well prepared one is for the philosophical questions life presents. Philosophical training enhances our problem-solving capacities, our abilities to understand and express ideas, and our persuasive powers.
—The American Philosophical Association
Email: uaf-philosophy@alaska.edu
Phone: 907-474-7126
Fax: 907-474-5817
Physical address:
1747 South Chandalar Drive
Gruening Building, Room 404
Fairbanks, AK 99775
Mailing address:
ºÚÁϺÚÀúÊ· Philosophy Program
PO Box 755740
Fairbanks, AK 99775
Eduardo Wilner, PhD
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Email: emwilner@alaska.edu
*on sabbatical for the Fall 2024 semester*
Laura Schneider
Office: Gruening Building, Room 605D
Email: uaf-philosophy@alaska.edu
Phone: 907-474-7126
At times, navigating your way through college can be tricky. That’s why we have two comprehensive academic advisors to help you out.
Our CLA Comprehensive Academic Advisors, Daniel Darrow and Grace Carroll can assist
with registration, petitions, change of major requests, and answer any number of questions
related to the college experience. Advising appointments are available in person,
via telephone, over zoom or via email.
If you are unable to find an appointment time that works for your schedule, consider
dropping by our offices on Fridays from 8 a.m.- 11 a.m. for drop-in hours. Appointments
are first come, first serve during this time frame.
Daniel Darrow
CLA Lead Comprehensive Academic Advisor
College of Liberal Arts
Gruening Building, Room 503 G
Schedule an advising appointment with Daniel using the button below.
However, if you are not a current ºÚÁϺÚÀúÊ· student, please send Daniel an email to schedule your appointment.
Grace Carroll
CLA Comprehensive Academic Advisor
College of Liberal Arts
Gruening Building, Room 503 F
Schedule an advising appointment with Grace using the button below.
However, if you are not a current ºÚÁϺÚÀúÊ· student, please send Grace an email to schedule your appointment.