Other Data Sources
National Weather Service
- National Weather Service (TUUA2, Toolik Field Station Met Station)
Natural Resources Conservation Service
- National Resource Conservation Service site at Imnavait (), updated daily.
- Temperature, Precipitation, and Snow Depth.
NOAA - Climate Reference Network (USCRN)
- Located at the Kuparuk. Data runs from 2017-present
- Temperature, Precipitation, Wind Speed, Solar Radiation, Surface Temperature, Relative Humidity
Arctic Observatory Network (AON)
- AON Data Archive:
Arctic LTER
- Arctic LTER Weather Data:
National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
- Two aquatic sites (Toolik Lake [TOOK] and Oksrukuyik Creek [OKSR])
- One Terrestrial site (TOOL)
- Eddy Covariance Tower, Met Station, plant phenology, mosquito sampling, and lots more.
Borehole Temperatures
- ºÚÁϺÚÀúÊ· Geophysical Institute - Permafrost Lab:
Water and Environmental Research Center
- (7 stations)
- Air Temp, Relative Humidity, Wind Speed, Wind direction, Net Radiation, Precipitation, Barometric Pressure, Snow Depth, Soil Temp, Water Level, Water Temp, Ice thickness, Daily photos.
- (4 stations)
- Air Temp, Relative Humidity, Wind Speed, Wind direction, Net Radiation, Precipitation, Barometric Pressure, Snow Depth, Soil Temp, Water Level, Water Temp, Ice thickness, Daily photos.
- ºÚÁϺÚÀúÊ· Total Precipitation Sensor:
- ºÚÁϺÚÀúÊ·-WERC Kuparuk Data:
- ºÚÁϺÚÀúÊ·-WERC Other North Slope Data:
Arctic Landscape Conservation Cooperative
- Imiq Hydroclimate Database and Data Portal:
Aurora Forecast
- ºÚÁϺÚÀúÊ· Geophysical Institute Aurora Forecast:
Wind Speed
- In 2011, a new RM Young "Alpine" anemometer was installed by Polar Field Services. The anemometer is located on a 44'-tall mast and records wind data at 30-sec. intervals. To access these data, please go to .