Reminder: Early engagement reports
Jan. 10, 2025
Undergraduate faculty members, teaching assistants and adjunct instructors can help students be successful by completing Jan. 17-31.
The goal of the reports is to identify and support students facing challenges in their courses or at risk of not succeeding, as well as acknowledge and encourage good work. Timely input from instructors is critical for successful early intervention efforts, enabling students to take proactive steps toward success.
Here's how to complete the reports:
- Reach out first: Submitting an alert in Nanook Navigator should complement, not replace, direct communication with students. Please reach out to students (via text, email, phone, or in-person) before submitting feedback or concerns.
- Focus your feedback: Select your top concern or feedback (one alert reason) to minimize the number of emails students receive.
- Provide detailed comments: Detailed comments (policies, recommendations, other concerns, office hours, and more) assist the success team in their outreach efforts to support the student to get on track. Tip: copy and paste the comments to a document for future use.
- Save as you go: Submit urgent feedback before Jan. 22 to assist students in making informed decisions early on.
Visit the instructor resource site for more information, guides, videos, visuals and FAQs.