Women in science webinar Nov. 21
November 19, 2019
Alaska INBRE will host a webinar on women in science Thursday, Nov. 21, from 11 a.m.-12:30
p.m. in Akasofu 401. The webinar, "Staying Power: Women in Science on What It Takes
to Succeed," discusses the results from a study of the postdocs supported by the L'Oreal
USA for Women in Science fellowship program during the last 15 years. This cohort
of women is unusual in that 100% of the respondents of the study now work in paid
science-related positions. The webinar will highlight what was learned in the study,
including the most important factors retaining women in science, as well as areas
for improvement in supporting women in STEM fields.
Students, staff and faculty are invited. Lunch and a discussion will follow the presentation,
so .
For more information, email Julie Benson at jcbenson@alaska.edu.