Advisors are highly encouraged to sign up for Nanook Navigator training this summer,
though training sessions are open to all Nanook Navigator users (student employees,
front desk staff, instructors, staff and faculty advisors, etc.).
In partnership with the Fairbanks Golden Heart Clean-Up Day, Staff Council invites
you to our annual campus cleanup day from noon-4 p.m. Friday, May 13, to help kick-start
the weekend fun!
The Student Activities Office is hosting weekly Ice Cream Thursdays this summer. Come
on down to the Wood Center for a different-flavored scoop each week. Check out the
signs around lower campus to see what is being offered next!
The travel customer service office is currently training two new team members and
recruiting for a student office assistant. Processing time may be delayed by 1-2 business
days. Thank you for your patience and understanding while we navigate transitions.