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Close-up shot of a dark green crab in a person's hand

Alaskans can help identify invasive crab species

A new crab species was spotted in Alaska for the first time last year, and it has the potential to disrupt native species and ecosystems. Alaska Sea Grant is asking Alaskans to help monitor the invasive European green crab on local beaches. Citizens who find European green crabs on Alaska beaches should note the location, take a picture and call the ADFG invasive species hotline at 1-877-INVASIV.

Submit orientation bag items by Aug. 4

New Student Orientation is right around the corner, and the Student Activities and Orientation office is collecting materials from on-campus offices and departments to include in the NSO bags, which are distributed to all incoming students and their families. To have your materials added to New Student Orientation bags, please drop off 700 of each item at the Wood Center front desk, or SAO office (Wood Center Suite 101C) no later than Aug. 4.

What's happening today

Deadlines and reminders

A large blue ship on the ocean with mountains in the backgroundPublic invited to follow Bering Land Bridge research project

The public can follow a team of scientists aboard the research vessel Sikuliaq who will spend the month of August studying conditions that existed on the Bering Land Bridge during the last ice age. More info about the Bering Land Bridge research project .

Ϻʷ Cornerstone

The Cornerstone employee newsletter is produced by University Relations and emailed to all Ϻʷ staff and faculty. You can .

Ϻʷ is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, educational institution and provider and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual: .