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Julie Queen, vice chancellor for administrative services

Friday Focus: Budget season is here!

Welcome to budget season! When the academic year ends and most students head home for the summer, the ramp-up for fiscal year close-out (and restart) begins. Although you may not see it because this work is often behind the scenes, there is a flurry of activity for fiscal professionals this time of year. If you pass by your fiscal or procurement office and the person there (or online) looks frazzled, thank them for their efforts and help keep them motivated! The deadlines are fast approaching and the pace to keep up means many folks are scheduling their summer vacations around these closing and opening fiscal activities to ensure it all gets done on time.

bee lands on a petal of a purple iris

Celebrate National Pollinators Week at Georgeson Botanical Garden

National Pollinator Week is June 19-25, and Georgeson Botanical Garden is highlighting its exhibits explaining what these beneficial insects and animals do.

What's happening today

Deadlines and reminders

Four people work in sqaure-shaped holes in the ground at an archaeological dig site, with a variety of instruments and supplies around them.

Study shows ancient Alaskans were freshwater fishers

A scientific team led by University of Alaska Fairbanks researchers has discovered the earliest-known evidence of freshwater fishing by ancient people in the Americas.

Ϻʷ in the News

Ϻʷ Cornerstone

The Cornerstone employee newsletter is produced by University Relations and emailed to all Ϻʷ staff and faculty. You can .

Ϻʷ is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, educational institution and provider and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual: .