
Seitz to serve as first
Meek Endowed Chair

University of Alaska Fairbanks fisheries scientist Andy Seitz will serve as the university’s first Frank and Marjorie Meek Endowed Chair in Fisheries and Ocean Sciences.

Teaching Tip: Skeuomorphism - How to use it or lose it

Skeuomorphism is where an object in software mimics its real-world counterpart. LMSs are riddled with skeuomorphism and this affects your course structure.

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Visit to an exotic tree plantation in Alaska

“I came here 40 years ago, when I just moved up from Juneau,” Kes Woodward says in a South Carolina accent soft as butter. “These trees were just saplings.”

Ϻʷ Cornerstone

The Cornerstone employee newsletter is produced by University Relations and emailed to all Ϻʷ staff and faculty. You can .
The is an AA/EO employer and educational institution and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual. Learn more about UA's .