Working from home
— by Dan White Things are changing everyday as COVID-19 becomes a community transmitted virus around the country. I wanted to reiterate the importance of employee safety on campus and off campus.
Friday Focus: Real leadership
Chancellor White is leading his core team and other university leaders in a purposeful, inclusive, participatory, cooperative and collaborative manner.
Internet service expansions
In response to the COVID-19 crisis, many local and national internet service providers have started offering free or low-priced expansions.
Recruitment and campus interviews
If you are actively recruiting, please see the University of Alaska FAQ for additional information on conducting campus interviews.
Village grave led to virus breakthrough
One-hundred-two years ago, a strain of influenza virus spread across the globe, eventually reaching Brevig Mission in Alaska. Within five days, 72 of the 80 villagers died. Researchers used genetic material preserved in the villagers' frozen grave to develop a modern vaccine, assuring that the Spanish flu would never again infect anyone with access to modern medicine.