What's on
Deadlines and reminders
Blackboard Bootcamps offered throughout August
Learn the basics of Blackboard, including how to 
create announcements, 
add content, 
create a discussion forum, and 
collect assignments, 
quizzes and exams.
Aug. 2 systems test for Butrovich Computing Facility
The Office of Information Technology will conduct its annual facility systems test Aug. 2 from 4 a.m.-6 p.m. No system outages are anticipated.
iTeach Online can help you develop, facilitate your course
Join eCampus on Aug. 3 at 2 p.m. for an iTeach Online orientation to learn more about the program and how it can support your course development.
Fire hydrant testing Aug. 3-4
The University Fire Department will be performing hydrant testing on the Fairbanks campus from 7 a.m. Aug. 3 until 7 p.m. Aug. 4.
New tool explores ocean acidification in Gulf of Alaska
A new scientific model and associated web tool will help scientists, resource managers, fishermen and decision-makers understand ocean acidification in the Gulf of Alaska.
Banana slugs ooze over coastal Alaska
A friend's boat chugged us into Prince William Sound — blue-green water 1,000-feet deep — and ferried us to rainforest campsites where everything seemed exotic. But maybe the most striking thing was oozing along a wet trail by our boots: A Pacific banana slug.