What's on today
Deadlines and reminders
IAB Life Science Seminar: Impacts of aspen leaf miner
Diane Wagner, Biology and Wildlife Department chair, will discuss the leaf miner in Interior Alaska Oct. 18 at 4 p.m. in the Murie Building auditorium.
IARC Salon: 'Alaska's 2019 Extended Wildfire Season'
The IARC Salon panel discussion on wildfire, led by Uma Bhatt, Nancy Fresco and Joe Little, will be held Oct. 24 from 2-3 p.m. in Akasofu 401.
Pubinar addresses winter climate change, glacier activity
Ben Gaglioti will present "Winter climate change and glacier activity over the last 500 years in the Northeast Pacific" Oct. 18 at 3 p.m. in the Pub.
Teaching Tip: Autocaptions are new in Kaltura
Autocaptions are now enabled by default for all new uploads to Kaltura. This feature will improve the accessibility of video content.