What's on today
Deadlines and reminders
Reminder: State of the University address March 26
President Johnsen will give his annual address March 26 from 1-2 p.m. in the Wood Center ballroom.
Thesis defense: Archaeology at Temyiq Tuyuryaq (Old Togiak)
Anthropology M.A. degree candidate Dougless Skinner will present her thesis defense March 28 from 1-3 p.m. in Bunnell 302.
Anthropology colloquium explores careers
The March 29 presentation from James Simon explores his career in anthropology, policy and advocacy. The talk will be from 3-5 p.m. in Bunnell 302.
Promotion and Tenure workshop
The workshop explores career stages and appointments. It takes place 10 a.m.-noon April 19 from in ELIF 401. Refreshments will be provided.